Thursday, January 31, 2019

Valentine's Day Fun

Valentine's Day is just around the corner.  Why not show your kid(s) a little extra love this year with fun hearts with messages on them posted to their bedroom door!

You can start February 1st and add a new heart with a loving message each day until Valentine's Day or surprise them on Valentine's Day with a door full of heart messages that you put up while they sleep the night before!  Either way you decide, they are sure to appreciate the loving messages you leave them.  

To make the heart messages here, I simply cut heart shapes from colored paper.  Then I wrote messages on each heart with a marker.  The night before Valentine's Day I taped them up on the bedroom doors of each kid.  They so loved the messages and still have them!

You could mix up this activity in other ways as well to show even more people that they are loved.

1. Have the kids (or even you) write messages on hearts for your spouse.  Surprise your spouse each day with a new heart message in their car, or a whole set on Valentine's Day.  What a loving way to start a day!

2. Have the kids write messages on several different hearts for Grandma and Grandpa (or whoever you want) and stick all the hearts in one envelope and mail it to the recipient.  Imagine them opening the envelope to several individual hearts of loving messages!

What other fun ideas do you have?  Leave a comment here and let us know.

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