Thursday, February 7, 2019

Toby's Amazing Adventures

This is a sponsored post by the author of Toby's Amazing Adventures: The Great Escape. Although I received compensation for this post, please keep in mind that experiences, opinions and pictures that follow are mine.  

I recently discovered children's book, Toby's Amazing Adventures: The Great Escape, written by Justin Ehrman. I was beyond excited to find out that the author of the book is from right here in Sioux Falls!  If you have been to Barnes & Noble recently, you may have noticed the book on the Local Authors shelf.  It is always exciting to support local creators when we can!

Reading has always been a big part of our children's lives.  The older kids can sit down and read a chapter book in a weekend, they love to read!  My youngest however, who is 4, hasn't always liked to sit still long enough to listen to a whole book (funny how kids can be so different, isn't it).  Despite his little interest, I have continued to try and encourage a love of books through trips to the library, the book store and of course continuing to read to him when I can, for as long as he will allow.  Thankfully he is slowly finding his love of books!  Now the challenge is finding books to keep his attention the entire way through.

Toby's Amazing Adventures: The Great Escape, was just that book!  The very first time we sat down to read it he kept his eyes in the book at the telling illustrations and engaged with interest in what would happen on the next page.  When the book was done, he asked me to read it again!  What?!  So guess what, I obliged!  My 10 year old got in on the second reading and enjoyed it as well.

The book is a paperback, similar to the size of the well known Berenstain Bears books, so a great size for young hands. It has 26 pages with interesting, decorative and supporting illustrations.

Toby, the main character in the book, is a Wheaten puppy, with a cute "masked" face.  Toby is curious about the world around him, just like my 4 year old.  There are some definite similarities to a puppy and a toddler, aren't there?!

Toby finds himself in a dark unknown area of the house, trapped and unable to get out.  At first he is scared and unsure of himself. He learns to work through his fears, reminding himself that he is brave.  As he faces different challenges, while trying to escape, he continues to remind himself that "You are brave.  You are strong.  Never give up."  In the end, through his determination and a little assistance from the family cat, he is able to escape!  His loving owner picks him up and Toby is proud of what he was able to overcome.

I asked my 4 year old after reading Toby's Amazing Adventures: The Great Escape, '"what was one thing you learned"?  He replied proudly, "I am brave!"  He paused for a moment and then said, "Well, I sorta get scared of the dark but I am brave anyway!"  Oh my sweet child, that is right!  Even when we find that we are a little scared, we are brave and we can find a way to persevere!  What a great thing to be reminded of or learn from a book at such an impressionable age!  Even older kids and adults need this reminder from time to time.

This is a great children's book with easy to read pages and a great lesson for every kid! Author, Justin Ehrman, says that he plans a series of 15 books of different adventures and lessons that he learned from his real life pet dog, Toby.

You can go to the Toby's Amazing Adventures website and see a picture of the real life Toby, who inspired Toby's Amazing Adventures.

If you would like to be able to share this story with your kids, you can purchase a copy of the book online by clicking here!  When ordering online, Your Next Adventure readers are welcome to enter code: ADVENTURE to save 10% off either the paperback book or the video book.  You may also find a limited supply at the Sioux Falls Barnes & Noble. The book would make a wonderful gift to include in a kid's Easter basket!

If you would like, you can also sign up for Toby's Explorers Club to stay up to date on upcoming books, discounts and other fun activities and continue to support a Sioux Falls local children's book author.

May we all realize that we are brave and strong and should never give up.

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