Tuesday, February 26, 2019

6 Small Blizzards for $10

Ice cream isn't the first thing I think of during these below freezing temperatures.  Although, my tweenager could eat ice cream on the coldest day of the year if she was given the opportunity.  No matter where you stand on the too cold for ice cream vs ice cream anytime dilemma, as long as you enjoy ice cream you are going to love this deal!

Select Dairy Queen stores in Sioux Falls are selling coupon punch cards that allow for 6 Small Blizzards through 2019.  The punch cards are just $10 and have additional coupons for extra savings.  But boy, just the Blizzard punch card alone is quite the deal.  A small Blizzard runs around $3.97 with tax.

The punch cards are only available for purchase for as long as they last.  My understanding is that they sell quickly, so you will want to act fast if you are interested.

Cards can be purchased while supplies last and then used at these Sioux Falls locations only:
5001 Crossing Place

204 N Kiwanis Ave

5420 W 26th St

The best part is that the $10 purchase price is a donation to Lifescape, which helps to empower lives of children and adults with disabilities to lead fulfilling lives.

The kids will be finding an extra special punch card in their Easter baskets this year!  It will be fun for them to decide, while we are out adventuring, when they want their very own Blizzard and have a punch card to "pay" for it all on their own.

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